Tuesday, December 07, 2004

prana(life force)preserve it* take it VERY seriously*

so another journey to filumland yesterday, not such a great ending. went to see the same tamil film sharaf saw the previous night starring the famous AJITH, who i loved last year in the movie RED. (i know yesterday was supposed to be malayalum day, but i'm easy). i think this has happened only once before, but i left halfway into it. the reason? the whole first half was comedy, and if you watch a movie for 90 minutes (at least half an indian movie) and you do not understand what the hell is going on and everyone is laughing cept you, it gets irritating. here's the story for you filum freaks:


i did realize, though, that i'd seen 3 movies in 6 days and maybe i should slow down, so no filums, if this is even possible for me, till i rest under an umbrella with a book for a few days. i have been running all over this country since day 1 and it might be a good idea. i have a laminated india mat on my wall carefully planning my next state invasion. STOP IT!!!

anyhoo, thoughts drifted towards gwendoline once again, i think i'm still in mourning, and went to the market in trivandrum and bought her a nice bouquet of marigolds-the kind the indians hang over the pictures of their lost loved ones, went to talk to her a little, showered, and made it just in time for lino's pranayama workshop. i like his and dena's because they are basic ones with little kumbhaka (retention)and it dosen't go on too long for me. if you've ever taken manju's pranayama before, it's about as intense as it gets. i've fled the workshop during that part more than once. lino did have many revealing things to say about pranayama. first, it IS meant to be done after practicing, only you wait an hour till your body fully calms down from the aggressive astanga. however, he did say that it's also ok to do some pranayama, simple pranayama with bandhas for 4 minutes to 30 (depending on your ability for it because pranayama is WAY more dangerous and intense than asana). this was news to me, cause i thought there was only one way.
the other thing was i have been nursing a bad injury in my right peraformis for 8 months and could only do the lotus with left first. well, they forced me to do half lotus with right first in uth pluthi instead of full with left. soon i am doing full lotus right first. see how things work sometimes?
tomorrow we begin our mysore practice. instead of lino asking everyone when they want to come, he simply assigned our positions. i am in group 2, which will start at 6:15 this year, first group 6. mantra at 6:15 and i'm totally thrilled to be coming in early enough for that part. last year first group, which i was in, started at 4:30.

the other item i bought was a simple screw top plastic container. why? cashew season. they sell em raw, salted and roasted, and masala, 3US dollars for 2 lbs. oh my goodness. if you've ever tried the fresh macadamia's in hawaii, you know cause of the fat content that they must be eaten fresh to fully enjoy them. same with cashews. fattenning, but good fat and very healthy snack to have around. i triple bagged my first batch and there were millions of ants in my room the next morning. luckily i had that "hit" chalk that kills roaches in one second, so i got rid of those bastards no problem. and i won't make that mistake again.

lino will teach the second pranayama tomorrow, and has been holding question and answer periods, which is good cause the room is very diverse in terms of levels. i like that, cause last year the room was totally filled with "advanced" snots, grunters, and show dogs. maybe they are on their way from mysore?

so from now on, i do my own thorough investigation of the movies online before venturing out to pollution land. love the cities, but gotta stay put sometimes. keep the prana, maybe?

lino also talked about not eating fish or meat at all, not drinking anything but coconuts and purified water, no sun 10-4, no spices, no eggs, no milk. sorry, but i can't agree with all of that. i know many people who never get sick here and eat all of those things. he even brings his own pasta from home. it's the refridgeration problem, and he does actually have a point. but nothing at all? i haven't advanced to that level yet or ever.

i love lino, the way he teaches, his assistants are also great. but it is not the same at all without gwendoline. i miss her SO much.


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